Your new path to excellent research

The skills and experience of a leading research agency - on call when you need it!


Tools like SurveyMonkey make it easier than ever to research your customers and stakeholders. But how good are the results? Poorly designed surveys risk giving you misleading findings and struggle to cut through ever-increasing respondent fatigue. That’s why we’ve developed ResearchDoctor.

We have over twenty years experience in delivering world-class research and insight for demanding clients like John Lewis, the NHS and the British Army. Now that same expertise is available in cost-effective packages for organisations of all sizes from start-ups to multinationals. ResearchDoctor combines the power of digital and AI with access to leading researchers at your side through the whole process, from designing your research to analysing results and presenting it to senior decision-makers.

How ResearchDoctor delivers…

The Consultation

We review your key strategic documents and we talk through your research needs. We can advise on everything from designing questions that get to the heart of the issue to your overall research strategy.

Support when you need it

After that, you create and run your surveys and consultations. You can use our powerful survey platform, or your own CRM system, or third-party software - the choice is yours. Our experts are on call if you need advice, or for specialist tasks such as moderating focus groups or interviewing senior stakeholders.

Making your research spend go further

We can review your findings and help you develop and present your internal reporting and recommendations. You use our research specialists as little or as much as you want.

Throughout, you are in control about if and when to call in our expertise. And with fixed fees agreed in advance, you stay on top of your research spend.

“They delivered incredibly quickly against a demanding brief”

Major UK Government Regulator

Three ways to use ResearchDoctor

We’ve developed three packages to give clients what they need most for a fixed fee.

Survey Surgery

We review your survey or consultation in draft and revise it to ensure it is methodologically credible, will maximise the response rate and deliver the insight you need. Within a few days you’ll have a survey designed to the highest industry standards ready to go. £995+VAT.

Research Healthcheck

We review your research to match your planned activity against your organisation’s strategic needs and maximise the return on spend. Within two weeks you’ll have a research strategy covering aims, audiences, approaches, key metrics and benchmarking, ready for senior management sign-off. £1995+VAT.

Research Doctor on Call

We act as your virtual research department, providing advice and support whenever you need it, working to an agreed price schedule. We support all kinds of research and analysis, from surveys and stakeholder engagement to deliberative events and statistical analysis. And through our network of leading practitioners in research, analysis, policy and product development, behaviour change and communications, we can match experts with your specific needs. £POA.

“They turned our survey into invaluable insight”

Director of Comms, healthcare

Start today

Fill in the form below and one of our research doctors will be in touch to discuss your needs and how we can help. Or call Robert on 0208 666 6666.